Welcome to the Be a Peach Boudoir blog, where you can follow the journeys of girls who have become Peaches. Read testimonials, view current work, and enjoy some personal posts trickled in between.

I'm Clara


hey there sunshine

Hampton Roads Boudoir Photography | Be A Peach Boudoir

I’m very excited to get this blog really rolling again! Between tips & tricks and Peachy Spotlights, there is plenty I need to share. Reading about other Peach’s experiences is comforting to those women who are thinking of doing it themselves.

Hampton Roads Night Boudoir Shoot | Be A Peach Boudoir Photography

Let me start by saying…I have heard it ALL when it comes to excuses. Seriously, I could write a novel. This blog post has been a LONG time coming! I hear excuses every single day on why women can’t do a boudoir shoot. It breaks my heart every time, so I thought maybe a blog post would help! So here we go…the Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot!

Boudoir Photography in NY

Peach Friday Is Coming…
And Bringing Something New For 2020

On my recent New York trip, I did several classes/shootouts. Lets just say, I brought back a LOT of spice to the Hampton Roads Boudoir scene. Disclaimer: This session is NOT going to be everyone’s cup of tea. If it isn’t yours, that’s fine.

Whoa baby! It’s happening! The shower scene is officially set up in the studio and I had SO much fun playing with it. This new add-on is available for EVERY Peach.

10 Reasons To Do A Boudoir Session

You’ve heard of it. You’ve probably thought about doing it. Then the nerves set in and you start finding every excuse possible. I’ve seen it happen more times than I can count.

ALWAYS fun & a little spicy. ON THE DAILY.
keep up with the peaches on instagram stories!



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boudoir photography for the badasses

where insecurities are thrown out the window, replaced by confidence meant to last a lifetime