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Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot | Hampton Roads Boudoir | Be A Peach

Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot | Hampton Roads Boudoir | Be A Peach


February 22, 2022

Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot

Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot | Hampton Roads Night Boudoir Shoot | Be A Peach Boudoir Photography

Let me start by saying…I have heard it ALL when it comes to excuses. Seriously, I could write a novel. This blog post has been a LONG time coming! I hear excuses every single day on why women can’t do a boudoir shoot. It breaks my heart every time, so I thought maybe a blog post would help! So here we go…the Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot!


Disclaimer: There are SO MANY MORE excuses I have heard over the years. If your excuse isn’t listed here, I hope that the post itself challenges you to shut down your own excuse!


I’ll also add that in the Facebook group you can read the testimonies of SO MANY Peaches. Read their excuses. How they pushed through that. And how happy they are with their decisions.

Here we go!

Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot


“I need to lose 5lb, 10lb, 20lb first”

This excuse is hands down the most common one I get. It is ALSO hands down my least favorite! For starters, this isn’t a UFC fight. Photography requires zero weight restrictions. Anyone can (and should!) be photographed just as they are. However, I understand that this excuse is one of the hardest to work through. I’m here to let you know that I have photographed women of ALL sizes. Guess what? This excuse is not specific to any one size of woman. Unfortunately, it’s a common mental block across the board.

Good news! It’s also quite possibly the easiest one to remedy. It all starts right in the Client Closet with outfit selection. Choosing outfits that truly flatter your body is so important. Which is why I carry such a wide variety of looks. There’s something for everyone! Also, lighting and good angles are going to do more for you than you could possibly imagine.

Be A Peach Boudoir | Virginia Beach Photographer


“I feel too old”

Ready for me to blow your mind? I have photographed women in their 20’s-70’s. Yup 70’s. I understand that the media LOVES to portray young women as the holy grail. Supposedly, once you’re past that ideal age, it’s all downhill. I cannot even begin to tell you how absolutely BS that is! Some of the most profound work I have done has been with older clientele. Some of the most stunning photographs I have shot and/or seen have been of women with more life experience. Call me crazy, but you can just see it in their eyes. Typically, more mature women have a firmer grasp on who the hell they are and it definitely comes through in boudoir photographs. 


A woman is never too old to allow herself to feel gorgeous. To celebrate herself. There is beauty in every single woman on this planet. I’m here to not only document that, but guide it along if necessary. Age is simply a number. It does not define you.

Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot | Virginia Beach Boudoir Photography | Be A Peach Boudoir

“I don’t have anyone to give the photographs to”

Not gonna lie, this excuse really irks my last nerve! First and foremost, this boudoir photoshoot is for Y-O-U. Even the women who book for gifting purposes. It is always, always, ALWAYS for YOU first! Every Peach will agree with me too.

Secondly, realizing and documenting your beauty is one of the most incredible things a woman can experience. Having amazing portraits of yourself is something everyone should have. I cannot tell you how many times I get messages from Peaches saying that they look at theirs whenever they’re feeling down. It’s an instant mood booster! I do the same with my own boudoir photos. 


Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot | Hampton Roads Boudoir Photography | Be A Peach Boudoir Photographer


“I’m not photogenic”

Well good thing you came to a WHOLE ASS professional photographer who is here to guide you! I can assure you, it’s possible to take a beautiful photograph of every single woman. Just takes some expertise. In other words, coaching and directing is what I’m here for. I show ya every pose before asking you to do it. Additionally, the tips and tricks I give you at the beginning of the shoot make everything so much easier! I do keep some tricks up my sleeve though. Mainly because even those great candid photos require some specific coaching cues. 

I truly enjoy photographing women who have no preconceived ideas of what sexy is. Truthfully, watching a more shy woman unfold when she sees her images is my favorite. I bet you know how to pose more than you think you do. If you’ve ever put on an outfit that makes you feel amazing and catch yourself twisting and turning in front of the mirror to find your best angle…..you’re more photogenic than you think. You’ve already been doing this! 


Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot | Hampton Roads Boudoir Photographer | Be A Peach Boudoir Photography


“I shouldn’t spend that much on myself”

Boudoir photography is an investment. Period. What I can guarantee you, is that you’ll never regret this investment in yourself. Those Christian Louboutins or that Louis Vuitton bag you’ve had your eyes on? All wonderful treats for yourself too. But wanna know a secret? Your boudoir photographs will never go out of style. If anything, they get better with time. 

Additionally, over the years I have found that women are the worst with treating themselves. We will care for, buy for, and do for just about everyone before ourselves. It’s a hard mentality to break, but it can be done! The confidence that you walk away with after this experience is immeasurable. Most importantly, those warm and fuzzy feelings you get every time you view your images are priceless! Worth every single penny! Don’t just take my word for it.
Read what the Peaches have to say!


There you have it.
The Top 5 BS Excuses For Not Doing A Boudoir Shoot. Ultimately, you may be able to think of 1000 more. In the end, it’s up to you to move past the mental blocks.
Drop the excuses ladies! You can do it!

Ready to kick all of your excuses to the curb and Be A Peach?
Use the link below to Contact Me!

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be silly. be honest. be kind.

be a peach.




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boudoir photography for the badasses

where insecurities are thrown out the window, replaced by confidence meant to last a lifetime