October 22, 2018
3 Things You Should Know About Your Naked Photos On The Internet – Virginia Beach Boudoir Photographer
Over the years I have found that most women let the same few things hold them back from doing a session. Some of these issues are coming up repeatedly. So I have decided to do some blog posts. What better way to lay it all out there?!? Therefore, the next few posts will be covering some hot topics. One of the biggest issues women have is privacy. I am SO wildly proud of Clara’s Peaches. That little Facebook group has moved mountains y’all. That being said, I can definitely see where newcomers feel that their photos HAVE to go into the group. That they HAVE to be on the internet.
Honestly, I didn’t even know this was a problem until recently. I met up with someone who is in the group and she told me she wanted to do a session. But the thing holding her back was that she didn’t want her photos shared. While I am ALL for sharing your gorgeous photos and encouraging others, you do NOT have to do that. It kinda breaks my heart that she has held off on becoming a Peach because of this! I’m here to set the record straight. So here we go, 3 Things You Should Know About Your Naked Photos On The Internet…

Strappy Lingerie Bodysuit – La Senza
If your photos are on my Website/Blog/Instagram/Facebook group…it’s because you were ok with me putting them there
Lets start with the basics. Every Peach that you see has given me permission to share her photos. This is something that is in every contract and I take it extremely seriously. Can y’all imagine if I was just posting things willy nilly? I cringe. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t even associate names with photos. In the Facebook group and on Instagram I allow Peaches to identify THEMSELVES if they choose to. I never tag anyone. ALL Peaches are beyond proud of their photos. Seeing themselves differently, feeling all kiiinds of amazing…like a right swipe on Tinder. Every. Time. But I know that not every woman can have her photos shared. Maybe because of a job or maybe just personal reasons. Whatever the reason, it’s totally up to each Peach! You also have a few options to choose from in your contract regarding what I can show.
Full Release/Partial Release/No Release
When it comes to what I am allowed to show in the Peaches Facebook Group, on my website/blog or Instagram…it’s totally up to you. EVERY Peach has the final say in how her photos are displayed. In addition to the 3 Things You Should Know About Your Naked Photos On The Internet, there are also 3 options to choose from regarding how they are displayed. Here’s how it breaks down. Each Peach has the option to do a Full Release, Partial Release or No Release. Here’s an example of each:

Blue Bodysuit – Forever 21 | Black Strappy Lingerie Set – La Senza
Full Release
The above two examples show what a Full Release is. In these photos, your face may be showing. Additionally, any photos are open for sharing. The community we have made in Clara’s Peaches is remarkable. Most Peaches are SO excited to have their photos in the group. It’s sort of become a right of passage. Especially on Tushie Tuesday! Although I have permission to share everything, I still never use your name or tag you. I always allow each Peach to claim her photos. Nude photos can be included in this option.

Blue Detailed Lingerie Set – Victoria’s Secret
Partial Release
These two photos are great examples of a Partial Release. Side note…can we TALK about how beautiful that blue is!?!?! With a Partial Release your face will not be shown. I also keep out tattoos enough that they are not identifiable. This is a great option for Peaches who would love to share some of their photos but still keep them from being recognized. Aka they can still be a Tushie Tuesday! Nude photos can also be included in this option.
No Release
See that big white space up there? That’s what a No Release looks like. Zip. Zero. Nada. None of your photos ever grace the interwebs. Or at least not of my doing. There are a few reasons Peaches choose this option. Could be because of her career. Maybe she is just a little shy. Maaaaybe it’s HER OWN DAMN PREROGATIVE and she can do whatever she wants! Yup, I like that answer. That being said, some Peaches who initially choose the No Release option end up posting one or two (ok, sometimes ten) in the Facebook Group. That is my absolute favorite. When becoming a Peach changes her feelings and she feels SO empowered that she can’t wait to shout it from the rooftops!
Passwords, Passwords, Passwords
Everything that you receive from me regarding your portraits will have passwords upon passwords. Your full digital gallery will have a password. Also, your mobile app (should you choose one) requires a password every single time you open it. Eliminating the “swiping-too-far” problem on your phone. Plus the app icon is just a Peach, so it’s totally discreet =]
At the end of the day, I LOVE being able to share your photos. It’s truly what encourages others. When women see how excited Peaches get over their own photos, they want that for themselves! However, I will NEVER pressure you into any sort of release. Actually if anything, women who are not sure which option to choose, I suggest the No Release. Then if they want to share anything in the group after their session they can! It’s a win/win! So there you have it… The 3 Things You Should Know About Your Naked Photos On The Internet =]
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be silly. be honest. be kind.
be a peach.
Knowing this makes me that much more excited to become a peach!!
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