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Shower Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir | Be A Peach

Shower Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir | Be A Peach


June 28, 2019

Shower Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

Shower Boudoir | Peachy Spotlight

Whoa baby! It’s happening! Two words…Shower Boudoir. The shower scene is officially set up in the studio and lets just say it’s off to a great start. This new scene is available for EVERY Peach. You can add it on to your Session Fee. Also, you can get it for F-R-E-E as one of your Pre-Payment Boudie Bank Bonuses! I definitely see this being taken advantage of a LOT!

This is something that has been in talks in the Facebook group for a long time now. Ever since I got those amazing shots in San Diego, a shower scene has been something I’ve wanted to make happen. Ok I’ll stop rambling now…check out this killer Shower Boudoir!

Getting Started with Shower Boudoir…

How cute is this body jewelry?!? This Peach brought this one with her. However, I have some styles similar to this in the Client Closet. I refer to them as Boob Cages…they’re lots of fun! Another great way to start your shower scene would be with a tank top or the last lingerie set that you wear.

Virginia Beach Intimate Photography

Virginia Beach Intimate Photography

Shower Scene Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

Full disclosure, your hair WILL get wet during Shower Boudoir.

Shower Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir Virginia Beach Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

Shower Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

Virginia Beach Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

This is one of my FAVES!

Like I said, your hair will get wet. Honestly, would it make sense to be in the shower with dry hair? Nope. We are going to spray away! In other words, plan accordingly if you have somewhere to be after your shoot!

Shower Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

You don’t even KNOW how long it takes to get those perfect water droplets.

Black & White Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

Shower Boudoir | Hampton Roads Boudoir

Virginia Beach Women's Photography

Overall, I am SO excited for this Shower Boudoir Scene! I can’t wait to keep playing around with it. The lighting is a little tricky, but I’m obsessed. I’m so grateful for this Peach and her patience! So much fun. Although, spraying clients with water feels terrible. Seriously, it feels like I’m torturing you! Undeniably, it’s worth it. ❤️

Shower Boudoir Is Just The Beginning!

Be on the lookout for other new things coming to Be A Peach Boudoir! I’m always thinking of new ideas. Because I constantly have 4,398 ideas bouncing around, sometimes it takes a while for me to implement the new ideas. Eventually they get put together though!

I have some traveling coming up, and that always inspires and motivates me! Be sure to check out the info on my upcoming Spain trip next month! You’ll find all the info in the Facebook group. There’s one more spot open for that! I also have some new education opportunities ahead. I’m always trying to learn new things!

The rest of 2019 is going to be AMAZING!

Ready to Be A Peach and have your very own Shower Boudoir?!?
Fill out this info and I’ll send you all the deets!

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Make You A Peach!

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be silly. be honest. be kind.

be a peach.



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boudoir photography for the badasses

where insecurities are thrown out the window, replaced by confidence meant to last a lifetime