Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos | Rachel & Ryan

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Rachel & Ryan | Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos | Couples

Rachel & Ryan | Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos | Couples


September 17, 2015

Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos

Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos – Rachel & Ryan

Rachel & Ryan’s Old Town Alexandria engagement photos are so cute it’s ridiculous. These two self proclaimed nerds are so laid back. We had a great time walking down these cobblestone streets. Their story isn’t like one I’ve heard before. They met at Thanksgiving when Ryan and a friend joined in on Rachel’s festivities. Her sister invited him and a friend. They brought a pie, and the rest was history. Anyone who brings me pie is a winner! They are even having pies instead of a wedding cake, love it! Ryan proposed to Rachel by bursting into the apartment while she was watching Battlestar Galactica, and dropped to one knee. Rachel was surprised to say the least! From moving (somewhere around their 150th move together…jk), family health emergencies, car issues…these two have faced a LOT in 2015. Rachel is convinced that if they can make it through 2015 they can make it through anything. I have to say I agree. When Vernon and I experienced two moves and Hurricane Katrina in our first year of marriage, I knew we were in it for the long haul. I think these two are in for the same type of journey. Even on the day of our session, stormy skies threatened our fun. You have to be kidding me. Their wedding is THIS Sunday, it was now or never. I was sure that it was going to pour on us any second. The weather was in our favor though. We had the perfect day for walking around, and hunting down cute doors and walkways. We had people pass by us at every stop, cars coming down the street, but it was worth it. Everyone was really nice, and Rachel & Ryan even got a thumbs up from a passing car. I am SO happy they chose to do their pictures there. Cute doors, ivy, and cobblestone streets galore! Seriously, I’m in love. Anyone wanting to do a session up there, let me know! I am so down =] Their wedding day is THIS Sunday and I cannot wait! After everything these two have been through, I am so excited to just see them ENJOY themselves and have fun.

This was the FIRST shot I took. A light test. I just LOVE how Rachel is looking at Ryan! I knew it was going to be a great session from there on out. =]
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

These two chose these alleys over a more industrial feel, they chose well!
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

We dodged quite a few cars for these next few shots, but I just couldn’t stay away from those cobblestone streets!
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

That teal door was a must stop!
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

So their cat is named Nina. We stumbled across this boat named Nina’s Dandy. How perfect is that!?!?
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

Check out these model faces that made an appearance!
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

Those forehead kisses get me EVERY time!
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Ivy Wall - Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

Rachel was swatting a mosquito off of Ryan here. Literally, a big smack in the forehead. But it led to another favorite of the day =]
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

Seriously?!?!? How cute!!!
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan
Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos Rachel Ryan

We were walking back to our cars at this point, but how could I not stop and get a few with all of this ivy and this door!?!?
Alexandria Engagement Photos - Rachel Ryan
Alexandria Engagement Photos - Rachel Ryan

Yup! This last stop was well worth it.
Alexandria Engagement Photos - Rachel Ryan

If you enjoyed this post, check out some other engagement sessions here and here!

be silly. be honest. be kind.

  1. I love the different places you hit here. Gorgeous photos!

  2. Erika says:

    Oh my goodness! I love everything about these photos!!! Them, her hair, the location, all of it!!! Gorgeous.

  3. Karen says:

    Ohh they are sooo cute and I don’t blame you for not being able to get away from the cobblestone, it’s gorgeous!

  4. Betty says:

    These pictures are wonderful. .the backdrops and cobblestone streets help express the excitement and anticipation this couple exhibits. .great job!

  5. candi says:

    I love this location and you rocked these!! Love her hair too! (REDHEADS UNITE!)

  6. Meghan says:

    What a fun city session!! Love it!

  7. […] GORGEOUS September day for their wedding. These two lucked out with weather both on their engagement session AND their wedding day. As Hurricane Joaquin is quickly approaching, I am reminded at just how big […]


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